Have you ever wished that The Pantaloons would visit your local village hall, church, school, library or other non-theatre location? Saving you the anguish of missing one of our shows or the cost of travelling across the country to catch one? You have? Then The Pantaloons Community Touring Programme is for you!
We’ve have been hey-ing, ho-ing and hey nonny no-ing for 17 years, steadily growing audiences around the UK with our hilarious and innovative shows. But we still get around as much as we’d like; and we know that some of you feel the same when we don’t manage to bring one of our productions near you.
Since the pandemic began the theatre industry has been thrown into disarray and scheduling a full indoor tour has become trickier than ever. So, we are looking for non-theatre spaces to bring our upcoming shows to; anywhere there is a community to help us promote the event and get the word around. We don’t need theatre lighting, we don’t need a permanent stage – just a bit of help with publicity and a friendly audience to perform to.
It won’t cost you anything to have us visit through our Community Touring Programme. We will work on a box office split which will even hopefully raise a small amount for your community or charity. (Full financial details will be outlined to anyone who applies using the form opposite.)
As part of the programme we will provide:
- A performance (obviously). Our next touring production is GREAT EXPECTATIONS available to book now for Spring and Autumn 2022
- Marketing materials
- Online ticket sales service
- Help and advice at all stages about hosting an event (hint: it’s easier than you’d think)
If you would like us to perform on your doorstep please complete and submit the form opposite and we will take it from there.
I came to your production of Great Expectations in Minehead, it was brilliant! I am a Dickens fan and wondered how a cast of 4 would cope but I shouldn’t have worried. Everything was excellent – the energy, wit, story telling and enjoyment all round. Well done. I look forward to seeing another of your productions in the future.
I have recommended you to my daughter who lives in London so would like to know if you are performing there in the near future.
Many thanks for an enjoyable evening at the Regal Theatre.